Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Peace


Our Place of Peace!! Camp Glisson….oh how we love thee. This place is so magical for the Freeman Family. This is a camp that Paul and I grew up attending in the summers, where we both worked as counselors when we were in college, where we started dating, where he proposed 6 months after, where we married 12 months later, and where we baptized our first born, Elijah. It is my spiritual home and where I come to ‘connect’ again. It is also where McKinley and I used to come every day, when she and I lived in Dahlonega, to run and get our exercise. So she was ecstatic when she saw the gates of Glisson the other day.


I took the boys and McKinley last Friday on a little trip to see the Fall leaves. It was cloudy, foggy, and just a PERFECT fall day!! We had so much fun! I gave them a tour of the entire camp, and Elijah cannot WAIT to be a camper!

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Above is McKinley enjoying her favorite place. She even got in the COLD water just so that she could swim.


This is the most wonderful rustic chapel where Paul and I married 7 years ago, and where I feel the most connected and whole! I love walking through the big wooden doors, and will never forget the smell.


Elijah talking to his new friend, God, about his friends and all the plants =)


What I try to teach my children every day!


After the excitement of our tour, we took a little hike through a back trail where I was able to show the boys ‘Fred Glisson’s old cabin. Of course Elijah had to be silly and make a funny face =) I am posting more pictures on our website since there are too many to post on here.   We LOVE this place and can’t wait to go back soon.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I always remember you going to camp glisson every summer growing up!

  2. Ha, I remember some other fun things from that breaking my leg, among others :-)

  3. Pics are gorgeous! You have such a good eye.
