Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Smallest Athlete

Oh the memories of fall days ~ a chill in the air, overcast, leaves beginning to change, and football games in the background of grills firing up and chilled beer ready to be drunk. We just love sports in the Freeman household! Fall, Spring, and Summer – year round…sports are our heaven.

With Paul and I both growing up playing sports since preschool and both being college athletes, it wasn’t too far fetched to believe (and always hope) that our children will have some genes of athleticism of some sort. Noah has always been swift footed and very athletic – Elijah has an amazing build and is now really coming into his own and wanting to become involved in any sport available. He was a bit timid when he was younger and wanted nothing to do with the ‘craziness’ of 3 year olds running around a soccer field like wild turkeys ~ of course, I didn’t blame him – the crazy little kiddos were a bit intimidating!!

Yesterday, Noah hit a milestone – his first sport game EVER!! His first time really venturing out from mommy to do something on his own, and his first time doing something that didn’t also involve his big brother. He was alone…out there on the huge field… swallowed by his jersey and shin guards, and just LOVING it!

He met his team, they all grabbed a ball and just practiced kicking, scoring and having fun. But he told me before we went to the game - “Mommy, I do not want to play with other boys and girls that will take my ball”  He has a bit of ‘younger brother syndrome’ and is a bit protective of his things and doesn’t want someone to come and take them. Of course this worried me, but we talked about it all week in hopes that game day would turn out just fine. So he had his own ball in practice…


His form and swiftness was absolutely amazing!! Any parent that knew soccer and had played before would be so proud!!

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He even had little cuts and jabs here and there!…

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But after practice and as game time was rolling around, I started to notice him pulling into his shell a bit (not a good sign). So Mommy (below) sat and talked with him and reminded him of how the game of soccer is played with only one ball, no hands, and how everyone shares and tries to kick the one ball into the goal.


Well, the game started…the craziness began…the turkeys began to run wild…and this is where my baby ended up for the entire game…


So, better luck next week. He is excited about trying again so hopefully we can wake up to a crisp autumn morning, warm pancakes, and load up our awesome soccer gear for a fun day on the field. If not, I have to remind myself that he is only 3 – and that this is a very new ‘craziness’ for him and can be so very overwhelming.

He has many years ahead of him (if he so chooses) to enjoy the smells of freshly cut grass, hot chocolate on the sidelines, shin guard tans, sweaty teammate hugs, and mommy and daddy and brother cheering oh so crazily for him from the bleachers!!

Can’t wait!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! So impressive! And the pictures/moments you captured are amazing! I love the one of him walking with his ball with his hair all sweaty! He is a true little boy!
