Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Freeman Updates and Traditions


First of all - Happy Halloween!! What a great month of parties, great weather, and fun! We had a great time trick-or-treating this year even though Paul made me stay home so that I wouldn't go into labor from all the walking. I had fun answering the door, seeing all the neighborhood kiddos and getting some 'mommy time' all to myself.


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'Baby the Hut' is doing very well and growing every day. I had a Dr.'s appmt on Monday and they think that the partial bed rest is working - so no more preterm labor tests!! Although, at the end of this week I will be 32 weeks already - 8 MONTHS! I can't believe it, so if baby is born soon, we will be much better off than if it happened 2 months ago. Great appointment! Great progress!

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Headed up to Glisson yesterday for our annual fall photo session - just me and the boys. SUPER cold, but magical and beautiful. I love to tell them the stories over and over again about how special this place is to Paul and I, and they love to dream about the day that they will be campers and counselors and walk in mommy's and daddy's footsteps.



Elijah contemplating life:





Where Paul proposed and where Elijah was baptized:


Awesome hiking!

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Where we were married: I just can't get enough of this chapel! The boys loved playing in here and pretending to put on shows up on stage. I would live in this chapel if I was allowed.


Mommy and her bowling ball in front of Fred Glisson's Cabin: (photographer, Elijah Freeman =)


"Take only memories, Leave only Footprints" - Chief Seattle

1 comment:

  1. This has to be one of my favorites! It was such a perfect day, it seems. You are a glowing beautiful pregnant mama w/ such an amazing soul. I love that Chapel too, really cool. That whole area looks awesome. You will have to post some wedding pictures, when you can. All of those pictures and stories behind them are so so precious! Made me smile:)
