Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Caglewood Ventures to Desoto/Vogel

What a gorgeous weekend it was!!!!!! The weather was absolutely beautiful – which we were owed since our last camping trip was a monsoon the entire time =)  The group this past weekend was an amazing hiking group – they all had a great deal of energy, positive attitude, and loved to explore.

One of the hiking destinations visited was Desoto Falls – beautiful!!




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Saturday night the group enjoyed some wonderful gumbo cooked over the fire! YUM!



And FINALLY on Sunday the little Freemans were able to visit, play, and hike with the group. They loved every minute of it and they absolutely adore our campers!


My sweet munchkin in his backpack for the first time….


The boys were able to join in on making peanut butter bird feeders to place on trees during our hike…

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Noah and his best bud, Stephen…

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This is what we all felt like….

Those Caglewood’ians’ know how to suck the marrow out of life…whew!


Caglewood is soon heading off to explore some caves in Tennessee!!!! Can’t wait!!!

 Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.Leo F. Buscaglia

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