Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jobie is TWO!!!!!

Here he is admiring his cake!!

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…and while we were singing to him…

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We headed out to ‘Tellus Science Museum’ in Cartersville for the first time (Thank you Mimi!!) and learned a lot of fun science, nerdy stuff, woohoo! Our family fit in perfectly =) We did not, however, have time to go to their planetarium – next time!! Jobe just kept screaming below “BIG TRUCKS….BIG TRUCKS”



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Panned for gemstones…The boys thought they were super rich when we left!


Dug for fossils:

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Fun Magnetics:

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The yard and land were gorgeous! PERFECT for little boys to run about and act as though nobody was watching! Noah, below, was climbing up on a massive solar panel that ran the  museum’s solar house. Too cool and a great day!

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