Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Jobe Sydney Freeman

Born December 28th (our 8th wedding anniversary) – weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.


Born a day before our scheduled c-section, a very scary delivery and birth story – but I will save the details for a later time. Sweet baby boy is here and that is all that matters!!





He is already loved greatly by his 2 big brothers and I cannot wait to get him home and introduce him to our crazy lives.


Not sure if this is a proud face on Paul or a face of pure exhaustion. Nonetheless, the 4 Freeman boys ladies and gentlemen!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Last Hora….

This was one of the most memorable weekends of my entire mommy-hood!! What a sweet way to end 2010 and an amazing way to welcome our new little one this week. I can’t believe it, the time is here – my next blog post will be of our new little miracle!!

Merry Christmas everyone – and welcome 2011!!!

Putting out food for the reindeer on Christmas Eve:

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Santa Cookies in front of the fire:



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Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas...From our herd to yours....


Eli's Christmas Program was this week - so cute. I am just beside myself with 'craziness' and I have so much to do these next few weeks, but today is his last day of school before the break and new baby and his party was such a nice send off. Pictured above are the three amigos - Elijah, Zachary, and Eli's best friend Samuel.



Noah was able to party, too...



Zachary was Eli's secret Santa. They were too cute trying to keep secrets all week...



Eli's Class this year (minus Tioma)..



And we adore his teachers...Mrs. Darrell and Miss Michelle. Thank you for being so awesome!!!!!


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Caglewood Trip went so well! Busy, with a lot to do! But all of the pictures Paul sent me from his phone looked like this....

photo (78)

And this one was the best one - so I decided to wait and post pictures once I have received some from the girls that went with cameras. I will do a Disney post soon - thanks to all of you who helped support the group!

Baby The Hut

Baby Freeman is doing well! Now he/she is wanting to stay in a bit longer =) I had an appmt yesterday and all looks good except for my weight!!! I cannot believe how much I have gained - the nurses laugh every time I come in to get on the scale because they are used to my reaction, hehe.

But no progress, blood pressure was a bit higher than last time, but I have no protein from my kidneys so that is a good sign.

36 weeks and counting! I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday - the Dr. seemed a bit concerned with the size of my belly and is worried that the baby may be measuring on the small side. I am excited to get to see the baby again, it will be the first time since week 20 and Noah will get to come in to experience it this time!! Yay! So more to tell then.

Meanwhile, baby clothes are finally washed and put away in drawers. New diapers are in position along with wipes and we are ready to welcome a new little snuggly bundle home!! Now I just need to finish the crib, bassinet, swing, and many other things that are not necessary until after the birth. Can't wait!

Friday, December 3, 2010

They are Off!!!!

Caglewood is on the road!!!!!! Wooohoooo!!

Can't wait to see a picture of the campers in front of this scene!! Stay tuned - I will post pictures throughout the weekend =) So sad I had to stay behind, but having a baby in Orlando didn't seem too appealing and with all the walking they will be doing, I am sure I would have been in a wheelchair by the end of the day!!

Magic Kingdom ALL day Saturday, late into the night!! Then Gatorland and Downtown Disney all day Sunday.

Thank you to every single one of you for your support!!! The money raised has been a tremendous help - all the way down to the last loaf of bread that needed to be bought! We also had a few tickets donated from a great Caglewood Supporter...thank you ALL!! !!!!!!!!

Boat Ride 050
